#sportstalkUnmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutstom45p in #hive-193552 • yesterdayMy Actifit Report Card: December 20 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnes na RADKA FIŠAROVÁ – Vánoční šansonění today on RADKA Ftom45p in #hive-193552 • 2 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 19 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnes kolem sochy u hotelu monti mariánské lázně Today aroutom45p in #hive-193552 • 3 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 18 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnes na koncert Easy Going - saxofónový kvartet today for ttom45p in #hive-193552 • 4 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 17 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnešní vtip Tatínek koupí Pepíčkovi hračku a říká: "Tak Pepíčku, jak se říká?" Pepíček odpoví: "Netuším" Tatínek řekne: "Vzpomeň si, co mi říká…tom45p in #hive-193552 • 5 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 16 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnešní vtip Na mořskou pláž vyleze z vody potápěč a nese v náručí obrovskou perlu. „Kde jste to vzal?“ diví se lidé na pláži. „Tam dole na dně je…huz200 in #hive-193552 • 5 hours agoIl mio Report Actifit: Maggio 8 2021Nel mio report dei passi di ieri posso raccontarvi che il sole è diventato veramente caldo e per la prima volta posso affermare che ci ha fatti anche sudare. Passi fatti la…tom45p in #hive-193552 • 9 hours agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 21 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, ![](tom45p in #hive-193552 • 6 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 15 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnešní vtip V hodině matematiky se ptá paní učitelka Pepíčka, kolik je dvě bez dvou. Pepíček přemýšlí, přemýšlí, ale nemůže na to přijít. Paní…tom45p in #hive-193552 • 27 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: November 24 2024Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnešní vtip Manžel na svoji ženu: „Marie, chci sklenici džusu.“ Žena nalije džus z krabice a podává mu ho. „Ty ses zbláznila. Nechci tenhle z…mujaffa485 in #hive-193552 • 2 months agoFrozen Magnolia FlowerMy Actifit Blog #917 | 13 April 2021 | In my area, there are mhuz175 in #hive-193552 • 2 months agoMy Actifit Report Card: April 13 2021This is a standard text. An updated version will be uploaded in a couple of minutes. This is a standard text. An updated version will be uploaded in a couple of minutes. _This…offgridlife in #hive-125125 • 3 months agoPEPE up over 1,000 %Got PEPE ? This has been one of my better coins this year. I'm hoping the Hive PEPE version does the same thing. LFG ! Feels Good man. Chart: ![](paprik in #hive-193552 • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: December 27 2023Ahoj přátelé, dnes moje aktiva byla práce na brigádě v Brně, řezání dřeva, než se zadřela pila.Byl jsem z toho špatný že se to stalo zrovna mě. Zlepšení přišlo po cvičení doma…jreey304 in #hive-193552 • 15 hours agoIl mio Report Actifit: Maggio 8 2021Ieri ragazzi, faceva veramente veramente caldo, inizio a non sopportare più i pantaloni lunghi, Speriamo che questa settimana sia l'ultima nella quale me li metto per lavoro…offgridlife in #aliveandthriving • last yearEarn 80% APR staking your RPK tokens on RepubliKYou can now stake your RPK tokens to earn 80% APR You need a minimum of 100 RPK and need to stake for minimum of 30 days. The fees are very high to withdraw which prevents…offgridlife in #lol • last yearDo you think I over pruned my Apple Tree ?The Neighbors were complaining about the height of my apple tree. So I gave it a little prune…. What do you think … Did I go too far ? Just kidding. 😂 But this would be great for Haloffgridlife in #aliveandthriving • last yearLola to the Rescue ! 🎥 #shortsWow, it’s already January 3rd 2024 ! This New Year is flying by. Slip sliding away …. I had a good morning walk with Lola along the River until I slipped on some cedar and…paprik in #hive-193552 • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: January 2 2024Ahoj přátelé, už je to tady , od zítra opět do zaměstnání, tak vstát ráno dobrou nohou. A ti co už to mají za sebou se těší na jarní prázdniny. Na foto výstavba v Brně. _This…offgridlife in #aliveandthriving • last yearMy Lolafit Report Card : January 01 2024New Years Resolution #1 More long walks with Lola the Golden Retriever. My Lolafit Report Card : 11,000 steps from morning hike along the Cedar Ridge Trail. Looking for…coryharold in #hive-193552 • 7 minutes agoTrading and Acquisition in SpaceMost of the second half of this Isaac Arthur video covers the concept of an Aldrin cycler which had already been discussed in another Isaac Arthur video I haven't made a post…