As others have said, I too think that we have spent more than enough money on initiatives that over the years have proved to be good for little more than nothing.
I think we should cut the race car, ~90% of the conferences (which really only serve to allow a few to maintain a lifestyle at the expense of the DHF) and from what is left demand 100% transparency.
Bills, for and for everything. No invoices? Then no HBD. And for those things that require a larger amount but require a confidential agreement, expose them beforehand (and in any case in a separate proposal).
The DHF and by extension valueplan should be treated a little more like a business (in search of monetary profit) and a little less (a LOT LESS) like an NGO.
Anyway, I feel that it doesn't matter, apparently this proposal will be funded anyway... It's really a discussion if the deal is signed beforehand?