Certainly Reeta :)
Dear @reeta0119
In 2019 you authored 615 top level posts comprising of 930270 characters. You also entered 1447 comments onto the Steem blockchain totaling 204966 characters of text.
You used 29 different categories for your content and actifit was the most popular, chosen 260 times.
The post titled Hello Everyone- My Introduction to Steem earned the most comments with 51 replies.
The post shared with the community the most was my-thoughts-and-steem-journey-so-far-why-i-love-steem which was Resteemed 6 times.
In 2019, you cast 2429 votes, 0 of these were downvotes, and 3 votes were cast to self.
Your average vote weight (to the nearest whole number) in 2019 was 72%.
You spoke to kenny-crane the most, leaving 198 comments and actifit spoke to you the most with 248 comments.
You upvoted kenny-crane the most - 195 times, and chose to issue 0 downvotes to anyone.
This year, you have transferred 136.0 STEEM to Steem-engine and withdrew 9.900 STEEM.
You earned 25655.961528 VESTS via Curation, which is approximately 13.033228 Steem Power.
And as an author, you earned 24.915000 SBD, 651.874000 STEEM, and 2006417.066191 VESTS (approximately 1019.259870 Steem Power) in 2019.
Finally, abh12345 (and his alts) upvoted you 41 times in 2019!
Have a lovely New Year!