Me please asher 😁
Sure :)
Dear @jodipamungkas
In 2019 you authored 323 top level posts comprising of 1106768 characters. You also entered 330 comments onto the Steem blockchain totaling 17938 characters of text.
You used 13 different categories for your content and dtube was the most popular, chosen 276 times.
The post titled Warhammer Chaosbane - The Garden of Ursun Part 12 | Dtube Exclusive #227 earned the most comments with 45 replies.
The post shared with the community the most was 06sxs550 which was Resteemed 3 times.
In 2019, you cast 4816 votes, 14 of these were downvotes, and 7 votes were cast to self.
Your average vote weight (to the nearest whole number) in 2019 was 99%.
You spoke to steeminator3000 the most, leaving 22 comments and steemgc spoke to you the most with 69 comments.
You upvoted rentmoney the most - 96 times, and chose to issue 14 downvotes to highmess.
This year, you have transferred 223.5 STEEM to Steem-engine and withdrew 364.9 STEEM.
You earned 75687.660254 VESTS via Curation, which is approximately 38.449331 Steem Power.
And as an author, you earned 397.351000 SBD, 1895.722000 STEEM, and 5798573.054040 VESTS (approximately 2945.675111 Steem Power) in 2019.
Finally, abh12345 (and his alts) upvoted you 76 times in 2019!
Have a good one!