I would like to discuss and present to you a problem which I can see affecting the growth of our community.
Firstly, it is not my wish to be someone who wishes to manage / control how our community acts, nor do I wish to produce this content over writing sports related articles.
However, for our community to grow and have solid roots from the start, we need to discuss and potentially take action when we see misconduct in our ranks.
Pending Reward Management
On sportstalksocial.com, we are each given one full and 'free' downvote each day. This means that we can reduce the pending rewards of a piece of content without reducing our 'SPORTS' voting power.
Abuse, as defined by clicking the downvote icon on the website is defined as:

It is down to the individual to decide if what they see falls into any of the above categories - your vote, either up or down, is solely your choice.
With that said, I would like to give you a short list of links which in my opinion can be classified as falling into at least one of the points in the image above:
Each of the links point to a short comment, 'hi', 'hello', etc, which have pending rewards I feel are too high. Personally, I think that the above is the equivalent of doing something like this:

If you have time today, would you take a look at some of these links and if you feel that these potential rewards are undeserved, use your free downvote to remove some of the pending reward?
On some links, you will see a comment from myself which provides a reason behind the downvote:

Sadly, the list above is only the tip of the iceberg and I am hoping that a moderator account will be used to find and help remove rewards with are undeserved.

Do you feel that a list of posts/comments which can no longer be rewarded via an upvote (older than 4 days), but can have the pending reward reduced should be released each day so that community members can easily check for potential abuse?
Do you feel that a moderator account should be used to reduce the type of potential rewards in the links above?
What else should moderators or communities members look for with regards to abuse?
It is possible for the sportstalksocial management to ban a user completely from the site. I would like to think that a decision to do this would not be taken lightly, but I wish to make members aware that it is possible.
Thank you for your time, enjoy watching one of the major events taking place today!