Winter Storm Warnings …. 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 … 100” of Snow ??

in #aliveandthriving11 months ago (edited)

It’s finally getting really cold here.

It’s around -8 Celsius but feels like -15 with Wind Chill

We are supposed to get 30 cm of snow over the weekend so maybe I will get some snow shoeing in.


This storm is headed our way in the North East …


Now, I thought 10” of snow was bad, but then I saw this headline ….

100 inches of snow and 40 below zero: Northwest faces harsh winter weather

Snow will be measured in feet in parts of the Northwest into the weekend, as cold, Arctic air combines forces with a storm train from the Pacific.



Posted using Bilpcoin


That is some serious weather! I'm sure you'll prepare well. Hope it doesn't disrupt you too much.

Yes. We are well prepared … lots of firewood, water and canned goods.

Posted using Bilpcoin

We got 1’ of snow so far

Posted using Bilpcoin