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RE: If Self-Voting is "WRONG" Why Isn't It In the Code?

in #cent2 years ago

I have already answered your question.

Answer my questions.


I don't feel like answering questions. Just wanted to see if you'd be honest with me. I noticed your post here while browsing through the main feed but before responding I checked in to see what may have triggered your post. I see someone politely suggested you follow their rules maybe 10 hours ago. That's all. I ignored all your unwarranted insults and everything else. I mean, I saw them but that's on you, not me. Thought if there was a legit problem, maybe I could help, but I needed to know a few things first. You're on your own.

Have a nice day dude.

Bahhahahaha, uff! So goofy.

Maybe a little bit...

I don't feel like answering questions.

That's because you've got no answer. You cannot explain their incompetence.

You did all this, just to ultimately bring absolutely NOTHING to the table.

I guess so. Have a good one.

*edit: you added "That's because you've got no answer. You cannot explain their incompetence."

I didn't read the questions.

Oh, even worse. A total waste of time. lol

Yeah. I agree. Your post didn't accomplish much.

Your questions were meaningless. You have no clue what is in the code, do you?

Actually it's my first day, but I start tomorrow. What's a code?

Go brush up your knowledge on Steem/Hive then come back, perhaps then you'd know enough to actually bring up a suitable argument instead of asking meaningless questions. Do better.

I didn't know Canadians were this obtuse and uninformed.