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RE: If Self-Voting is "WRONG" Why Isn't It In the Code?

in #cent2 years ago

I don't feel like answering questions. Just wanted to see if you'd be honest with me. I noticed your post here while browsing through the main feed but before responding I checked in to see what may have triggered your post. I see someone politely suggested you follow their rules maybe 10 hours ago. That's all. I ignored all your unwarranted insults and everything else. I mean, I saw them but that's on you, not me. Thought if there was a legit problem, maybe I could help, but I needed to know a few things first. You're on your own.

Have a nice day dude.


Bahhahahaha, uff! So goofy.

Maybe a little bit...

I don't feel like answering questions.

That's because you've got no answer. You cannot explain their incompetence.

You did all this, just to ultimately bring absolutely NOTHING to the table.

I guess so. Have a good one.

*edit: you added "That's because you've got no answer. You cannot explain their incompetence."

I didn't read the questions.

Oh, even worse. A total waste of time. lol

Yeah. I agree. Your post didn't accomplish much.

Your questions were meaningless. You have no clue what is in the code, do you?

Actually it's my first day, but I start tomorrow. What's a code?

Go brush up your knowledge on Steem/Hive then come back, perhaps then you'd know enough to actually bring up a suitable argument instead of asking meaningless questions. Do better.

I didn't know Canadians were this obtuse and uninformed.

It's not my fault you think I'm a lesser human. It's not my fault you can't speak to me without trying to knock me down. I didn't come here to be confrontational. Just wanted to know what's up. Someone politely suggested you refrain from self voting when using specific tags. That pushed you over the edge. How dare they. Doomed to fail now...

Realistically, you'd stand a chance to earn more by not self voting in that scenario because that would most likely then open the window and allow others to vote, since that's how they roll.

Try to calm down. Maybe go for a walk. Have a nice day.