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RE: If Self-Voting is "WRONG" Why Isn't It In the Code?

in #cent2 years ago

I'm asking how you would react in that scenario. Got an answer?


You're really daft, aren't you?
It wouldn't matter, at the end of the day. Once again, my opinion is meaningless. Whether I would support it or don't support it.

Yet, I'll answer as if I was a tribe leader...
My tribe would be general (all tags) and if people rightfully owned the stake to the currency that has a scotbot attached to the tribe, then they are free to do as they please with their own voting power and their own posts.

Okay. So that's how you'd run your community. If someone was running theirs and politely suggested you follow their rules, would you be okay with that?

If people want to overly enforce their policies, then that is up to them. Most of the tribes who do end up enforcing their policies harshly end up faltering, just like MarkyMark's Shittoken "STEM".

Pay attention.

I am. Got an answer?

If people want to overly enforce their policies, then that is up to them.

That is up to them; Yes, it is fine. That answer should have been direct and obvious.

So, what exactly is the purpose of this line of questioning, do you believe I am inconsistent in my position?

Ultimately, your questions are meaningless. Here, I'll actually bring substance to this discussion.

I'll ask you these questions:

  1. If self-voting was so horrible, why did the developers still leave it in the code on the main chain?

  2. Why would Tribe leaders get mad at people self-voting when people can easily just make a separate account?

  3. If they cared so much about "self-voting", why haven't they pushed the main developers of HIVE to codify the restrictions on the chain?

  4. If tribe leaders weren't incompetent at coding, why wouldn't they push a scot-bot where self-voting was outright banned?

Please answer, I'd love to see your defense of their incompetence.

If someone was running theirs and politely suggested you follow their rules, would you be okay with that?

Focus on that. Simple yes or no.

He already answered.
Don't avoid his questions.

I'm fine. Have a good day.

I have already answered your question.

Answer my questions.

I don't feel like answering questions. Just wanted to see if you'd be honest with me. I noticed your post here while browsing through the main feed but before responding I checked in to see what may have triggered your post. I see someone politely suggested you follow their rules maybe 10 hours ago. That's all. I ignored all your unwarranted insults and everything else. I mean, I saw them but that's on you, not me. Thought if there was a legit problem, maybe I could help, but I needed to know a few things first. You're on your own.

Have a nice day dude.