When I made my first indie game a few years ago, I had zero views.
I still don't get much but it's a lot more than nothing.
요즘 여기저기서 질문도 들어오고 피드백도 받으면서 새로운 아이디어도 생기고 좋은거같음. 첨에 혼자 겜 하나 완성했을때 아예 존재감이 없던거에 비하면 큰 발전이라 할수있음. 스샷이라도 남겨둘껄 쪽팔려서 다 지움. 나름 경험과 추억인데.
↑ Getting some votes and feedback from unity subreddit meant a lot to me.
↑ Diablo2 from early 2000s..
After reading some of the comments I realized I had completely forgotten how much people loved the franchise. Initially, I just wanted the selection screen. Now I'm thinking about adding some of my favorite barbarian skills.
↓ When I'm done with ledge grabs, I might do Hammer of the Ancients (d3).
Mine won't be as fancy as the original game which probably has millions of dollars in budget.. but recreating is always fun.
결국 요청 + 갠적으로 좋아했던 몇가지 요소들의 개짬뽕이 될꺼같음.
오늘밤은 맥주와 짬뽕..
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