Ahem, such quality graffiti!! Where are the artists man!
And I hate to say it but I had to Google the kicks above the waistline malarkey, lol!
Ahem, such quality graffiti!! Where are the artists man!
And I hate to say it but I had to Google the kicks above the waistline malarkey, lol!
Ahem, such quality graffiti!! Where are the artists man!
In Sheffield, they all live there in a squat I think 😀
And I hate to say it but I had to Google the kicks above the waistline malarkey, lol!
LOL, you looked. The waistline term was often used as an indicator of the shag-ability of chicks in those days. The clubbing days, you see...
I do remember the clubbing days with fondness!!!
Hehe, I always have to look to check these things out, you never know what you will find out! 😀
It was Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights for a while, despite working on Friday. I had a lot more go then!
Those were the same big nights here. I was always in a state in work on Friday. Thursday was the big student night and drinks were cheap cheap cheap!