Having left ‘The Not-So Paranormal House’ on a high, we continued on the road to Crewe, looking left and right and hoping for something else that could keep the spirits high.
One such 'farm' did arise complete with a house and empty window, but on climbing through I could not even find one shot worthy of a little space on my phone. @anidiotexplores ended up taking some shots, but this was strictly below the waistline.
Now I am showing my age with phrases such as this…, 'I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine’, google it if you want to learn more.
The surrounding houses and trash were equally boring with one caravan secured. What a downer, we continued on the road toward the 'Electricity Works', which according to my Google flyby was a strictly 'C' class exploration.
Trying to get past all the shit, metal fencing, gorse, nettles (even winter ones), and boards plastered onto the many past holes created was getting frustrating until one of us noticed this.
Why not go straight for the jugular and stop farting around the edges? It was in front of both our noses and yet we failed to see it.
With three metal bars removed, even the fattest bastard explorer could have gotten through there, and we spotted the logo in the distance. Little did we know that the custom colourfully tiled ‘Crewe Electricity Works’ signature was about as good as it was going to get.
Walking down a gravel path it became obvious this building had been severely neglected and the route inside was one of many. ‘Scottish Power’ it said on the side, one of the ‘Big 6’ as they are named here.
This is the ‘Cartel’ of large Electricity and Gas suppliers who have us all over a barrel, that phrase meaning they can charge what the fuck they want, and we have to pay or do without.
Inside, it was a derelict mess of broken stones, partial floors with massive holes, and sporadic graffiti.
Looking out over the edge, I couldn't see any evidence of what may have been down there. I am guessing the right edge used to adorn windows which have since been bricked up.
Standing on the beams is always a wise move, but you can't always tell where they are. Any part of the floor I was standing on here could collapse at any moment, yet I felt strangely comfortable. You tend to get a feel of if the floor is going to collapse, or not.
The door on the far side must have gone somewhere once, but even a desperate leap onto it now only resulted in a 12-foot drop on the far side. I weighed up the possibility of such an action and decided it probably should not be tried.
While there was a metal staircase to descend, getting to it would require a feat of acrobatics I no longer have due to no floor as well as broken rungs to stand on, so we exited and made our way around the blue, tin-looking building, and entered that way. Why make it hard?
A little crouching brought us here; another large area with barely anything to see besides ‘E-Quality’ graffiti drawn by the local morons.
Now you can see why the stairs should be avoided. They chose metal but with wooden slats that had all but vanished or worn away with the ravishes of time.
'Fuck you cunt' and 'Shag me' were as exciting as it comes in 'Crewe Electricity Works'. We came all this way, for this bullshit?
As ever, I tried to make the best of what we could see, the descending stairway, the double ropes on the left which if adjusted could be used for synchronous suicide attendees, and the overhead old pulley system which was all that was left of the old industry.
Honestly, ‘Keep Out’, how fucking original. Are there no decent artists in Crewe? This one must rank at almost the lowest number of shots I have taken per location.
FOOTNOTE: I jest about the ropes; this is but sardonic satire, and not to be taken seriously. The recent spiralling costs of Electricity and Gas are almost enough to send someone here to do it and to send a message to those greedy fuckers making record profits.
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