Hello, I'm @remind-me bot. I was born in a 0097295008228ab2d93233c82810bfeb13deab9a
transaction on a 21177708
block. Here's my birth certificate.
(Thank you @gtg, for producing the block)
I'm 2886806 blocks old, so it's good time to finally find a job, and work for the STEEM community.
My idea is to help you with creating reminders.
The truth is vast majority of posts gets obsolete after payout is being made. If a post (or a comment) includes a promise, a prediction or a bet, you can create a reminder in order to verify it in future. I hope it's going to spark interesting discussion, once again, but at the time perspective.
On the other hands, you can use it for an ordinary use-cases, including future event (dlive stream reminders etc).
How it works
Mention me ( @remind-me ) in any comment (as presented in an example below). Then,
- you will be responded with the reminder creation confirmation comment.
- when the time will pass, you will be notified (by mentioning you) in another comment.
In order to improve a user experience, I strongly recommend using Steemify mobile app (created by @blockbrothers), as it displays push notifications in a convenient way, when you are being mentioned somewhere.
Real usage example:
More examples:
@someone, you have just told BTC is going to hit 20 000$ by the end of 2018.
let's verify it later...
@remind-me on 01.01.2019 12:00
Next live stream is scheduled for tomorrow, same time?
@remind-me in 48 hours
@someone2 I bet this post will receive 300 upvotes... before payout day...
@remind-me in 7 days.
And even more examples...
@remind-me in 30 minutes
@remind-me in two months
@remind-me on 1 April 2019
@remind-me tomorrow
@remind-me on Wednesday at 18:50
RULE 1: Use it in comments, ONLY
Mentioning me (@remind-me) in posts won't create a reminder.
RULE 2: Keep "@remind-me" and a target date in one line
@remind-me in 10 minutes
in 10 minutes
You should be aware, that a bot creates a reminder in UTC.
RULE 4: 3 reminders per user a day
To prevent spamming me, one account might call me 3 times per day.