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RE: That Post You Almost Didn't Notice Until You Saw This Fancy Title and then Couldn't Resist Looking

in #life6 years ago

So that first one up there is pretty interesting. It looks like two miniature people that are opposite poles, with very large pelvises. The pelvises are doing all the talking. That could be interpreted in a lot of ways. And then there is the miniature people with the large dancing limbs that are in the background - dancing limbs are less important than talking pelvises I guess...

The last one actually looks kind of feminine to me. Your people don't usually look like women to me. But her opposite is in the sky up there. Opposites and balance seem to be a theme with your art today, or, well, the theme I have decided to give it.

Well, at least you didn't crunch your hand or you might be typing only one paragraph with only one hand and deciding to join in on those photo challenges ;)

So does anyone know where you are going when you take off on a ride like that? I sound like your mom :)


The top one would require a lengthy description and several images that outline each individual image inside. Did you see the volcano? That's one of my favorite parts. The wild limbs can be a snail on the bottom and some of a meat eating triceratops, on top. They serve a purpose at a distance, where I'm hoping it looks like something else until folks get close. Those features only work in a room, when it's on a wall.

Nobody knows where I go when I leave, usually. I don't even know. I always try to find a new place to explore. I pack some basic survival stuff in case I need it. Been doing this for years. I wouldn't mind purchasing something designed for long distances off road, and being gone for a few months, maybe years.

I think I see the volcano, but I'm not sure. I do see the the dino/snail. Overall I'd say that when it comes to your art we might be playing with the same ball, but two completely different games :)

There is a big news story in my area of two men that went off-shore in a fishing boat and never returned. Massive search, which not surprisingly, has yielded nothing. That's what came to mind when I was reading this earlier, although the ocean is significantly less forgiving than being out in the wilderness even under bad circumstances.

The volcano is right there in the middle, erupting. These things can be whatever people want them to be though. Doesn't matter to me what anyone sees but it's always interesting to hear about.

There was time long ago when I wanted to find any job I could, on a boat. Then I got fussy and didn't want to fish. Wanted something on a sailing yacht of sorts. Something like that. Couldn't find it, without experience. Gave up and it's probably for the best. The ocean is its own world. The only problem I'd face here, is the cold, in winter.

Just standing there staring out at the horizon, it hurts the eyes and the mind as you imagine all the land falling away and you just surrounded by that endless water. Yes, I'd definitely take cold over being adrift in that.