But I finally got to take a break.
I have to tell you folks something...
This shit — it's hard to put down.
I had stated, roughly two weeks ago, something like, "I'm taking a break."
Then, it rained. I can't take breaks when it's raining! A break means I need to be outside somewhere, hopefully as far away from wifi and all of these addictive technological life additives as possible.
The weather improved, and you haven't heard a damn thing from me for a little over a week. That felt good.
Sure, I was still lurking in the shadows, browsing around, dropping a few votes here and there, consuming that content. I made an effort to spend more time away though, and that was hard to do.
I shouldn't even be alive right now!
Damn. That line would have made a great clickbait title...
I'm slightly injured. My left foot is pooched.
'Pooched' is slang for "fucked up" where I come from...
The dirtbike survived, and that's all I really care about.
Found a nice trail. This trail led to a place I've never been. Twas an old gravel pit, of sorts. Many little hills. Up and down. Up and down.
And up and down and up and down and up and...
Oh. Fuck.
A cliff. I dropped twenty feet, at least.
Normally I inspect these places before I start going nuts.
And that's exactly what I was doing. Inspecting, too fast.
Oddly enough, had I been going faster, I probably would have launched into one of my highest jumps, ever. All jumps are the same, it doesn't matter how much air is beneath the bike. If you know how to land, you know how to land.
I went front-tire-first into an embankment. Total nosedive. That made me do a perfect front flip over the handle bars. I landed on my frikkin' feet!
But that hurt.
Gettin' too old for this shit.
So now, I'm an artist, with a limp.
I can confidentially say, "I'm a lame artist," and not even feel like I'm insulting my own work or artists in general.
Isn't that exciting!
Not really.
But I thought it was funny, so I wrote it.
Spent a lot of time...
I see a lot of politics happening out there in Steem World.
I'm well aware of the changes coming. Two days to go.
There's a lot I could say, about things. I could easily be right in there, speaking my mind, saying my piece. I promised myself awhile ago though, stay out of it.
I spent a lot of time over the past couple of years, saying my piece.
I'm to the point now where I welcome any kind of change. Something needed to happen, and now something is happening.
And now I'll end this post
with something 'motivational', maybe.
I'm reading the "worries" from some folks, here and there. Talking about the little guy, worried about the little guy.
We all start somewhere. Here, that somewhere is usually the bottom. That's where I started. I can point at hundreds of others I've met over the years and say, "they did, too."
Your first Facebook account started with you, and no friends.
Your first Youtube channel started with you, and no subscribers.
Everyone, everywhere, starts at the bottom.
It's not permanent!
Unless you give up before you get started.
I've been here three years. I hope things improve for me now. I hope I can once again begin climbing the ladder, like the old days.
So if you're one of these folks, a content producer who feels like they are being handed the shitty end of the stick, think about where you'll be and where you want to be in three years. Forget about next Tuesday.
If you don't want to struggle forever, simply work your way out of it.
That's my plan. And those doom and gloomers got nothing on me.
Those are my words.
That's my artwork up there. It's new, and I hope you liked it at least a little bit.
Until next time...