Happy Mothers Day to you, Denise. It is sad there has to be a special day to remember things/people by, when it should be daily. But I suppose life is a busy endeavor that makes that difficult at times. So we make special days for busy folks.
Such a heartfelt and wonderful post. Reminded me of my mother on this day even more than usual. I love what you said in the post. About appreciating them forever and that if we didn't miss them, and there was NOT an indelible hole in our life, it would diminish their time with us. Mine has been gone for awhile, and though it gets better with time, as the sage old advice always spouts, there is a constant piece of our being that is forever missing. As you said, that is probably the way it should be.
Thanks again for the thought provoking writing, with your usual gorgeous photos and other flourishes that you have. They are always an entire experience, often emotion stirring. I'd almost call some a small event, in both writing and photo and thought, in their own right. Thanks for that, and cheers on a Sunday in May.