Thank you so much @ddschteinn!!
I agree with you wholeheartedly! Of the nine kids in my family, we were a sappy bunch when it came to our mother. Each and every one of my six brothers fawned over my mother, especially when they became adults, letting her know just how much we loved her. Every single day. Everyone would bicker over who's turn it was to take mommy to lunch or have her over for dinner or coffee or dessert. You get the picture. She was a wanted women. :)
Even when she was in the hospital room, she was surrounded by her kids, right up until the very end. It was touching, even as I think about it now.
Thank you for understanding what I so inelegantly try to write. I can only write from the heart, but, you know how that can be when it gets all emotional on me. She is a failure, my heart is. :) Thank you for the wishes and well thank you for taking the time to stop in, set a while and take in a word or three.
You are such a ray of sunshine on this cloudy day. Thank you. And thank you again!