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RE: Happy Mother's Day

in #photograohy6 years ago

Mothers are supposed to be sapped over. They do so much for us, it's a small return. Sounds very much like yours had a wonderful life, full of kids that really appreciated her, and more importantly, showed it constantly. My family was not as demonstrative, but there was always a lot of love and everyone knew it all the time. It's drifted a bit with both the familial matriarch and patriarch gone, but we do what we can with what life provides. Living within family and the progression of it all is both the grandest thing of life, and the saddest thing possible.

I'd say your heart is FAR from a failure, more of a very huge part of you, that most of your writings, thoughts and deeds passes through. Which the world could use a WHOLE lot more of, at least according to the oddity-laced Book of Schteinn. So keep up the great works, and just being you. I've always felt you are a bright ray of sunshine on the site of Steemit. Well, I am off to bed, just got back from a pedal, and Mr. Sleep is sneaking up on me. Thanks so much for the chat, it is always nice to catch up, and thanks for the the nice tip as well. Very sweet indeed. CheersonaSundaynightinMay.


I really like that though! Mothers are supposed to be sapped over. I couldn't agree with you more. They do so much for you and much of it is second nature to them. I don't think they think of it as something that they have to do, I think their hearts tell them. It's more of a sixth sense, if you will. My family was overly demonstrative in very much touchy-feely but that doesn't make it love. I think that most people know how it feels when it's being bestowed upon then. I will agree with you 100% that when the Familia matriarch and patriarch argon, the family Dynamics change drastically. More so now than it used to be. With people moving in and out and around and so many miles between them, the Dynamics seem to change even more. It used to be that the elderly aunt or Uncle would sort of take over that role but we are so much more disconnected with our extended relatives then our past relatives. The family unit as I was brought up he's so different in today's world.

And of course, it makes me a little bit sad thinking that because I moved about with my kids their entire life so far, I have disrupted the cycle in my own family. Of course, they don't see it went that way because they don't know any different oh, but I can see in their relationships with their cousins come they had never lived there is different than my cousin who grew up right down the street. I'm not sure how I feel about all that but on one hand I feel like I have cheated them in another hand I feel like I have given them a wonderful opportunity for growth in this world, having traveled 2 most of the continents and lived in a few. I guess there is no right or wrong, but I can still regret a few of those things that I was not able to provide them. Things I grew up with. However, I did not grow up with the amazing traveling experience that they all are having.

Thank you for always putting it all in perspective and it is nice to catch up and have a chat with one of my favorite . I hope you had a good rest and I will catch you again sooner than later!

Happy Monday!