You can't go from your wallet and back to steemit seemlessly like before! Having to open a new tab is a right pain in the the ass.
If it ain't broke don't fix it! Springs to mind.
The wallet is now a separate website. I can understand that it feels clunky at first, being used to have things in one website, but give it some time and I’m sure you’ll get used as well.
It’s actually very similar as if you’d use a local wallet (like vessel or a local condenser). Also keep in mind that ease of use and security-first don’t always go hand in hand.
The added security benefits are good I agree.
I just feel that the functionality and ease of use has been overlooked a little bit.
Thanks for your comments.
I'm reminded of how the government is always forcing "security" on us, making us pay for it, and saying "functionality had to be sacrificed to keep you safe". I'm sure this is nothing like that, but still, ew.
Actually, that crossed my mind as well.
Deciding FOR me whether I get to choose security or safety, did ruffle my feathers a bit.
:) Just remember we have many options when it comes to front ends.
they have a link from to but why no link from to
I agree. Also, now that I'm forced to use separate passwords for the 2 different sites, and the financial password is to be kept offline for security, there's going to be a lot of popping in zipdrives, copy-pasting passwords, and other security risks involved. I feel like it was both easier and safer for me before.
Upvoted for gratuitous use of the word 'zipdrive'.....those were the days :-)
Thanks for the reply.
Streamlining the experience will definitely help. Its not just wanted by thousands, It's needed!