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RE: Important Changes to and Wallet

in #steem6 years ago

You can't go from your wallet and back to steemit seemlessly like before! Having to open a new tab is a right pain in the the ass.
If it ain't broke don't fix it! Springs to mind.


I agree. Also, now that I'm forced to use separate passwords for the 2 different sites, and the financial password is to be kept offline for security, there's going to be a lot of popping in zipdrives, copy-pasting passwords, and other security risks involved. I feel like it was both easier and safer for me before.

Upvoted for gratuitous use of the word 'zipdrive'.....those were the days :-)

Hi, thank you for the feedback. We will work to streamline the experience.

Thanks for the reply.
Streamlining the experience will definitely help. Its not just wanted by thousands, It's needed!