Call people bitch ass niggars most likely will get you a Downvote just sayin.
I'm ok with people/witnesses , their dogs downvoting you for such nasty language.
Call people bitch ass niggars most likely will get you a Downvote just sayin.
I'm ok with people/witnesses , their dogs downvoting you for such nasty language.
LMAO!!!! So what about me being diplomatic, that deserves a downvote too? See you're using my "nasty" language as a scapegoat because I exposed your boys for being pricks.
I'm sorry English offends you, bitch.
So what about me being diplomatic, that deserves a downvote too?
Diplomatic where? I'm pretty sure you weren't lol let's get real you haven't shown anyone , anywhere about being diplomatic that didn't have some insult or language attached to it , case in point:
I'm sorry English offends you, bitch.
Other people making excuses and trying to blame me "wrong tribe"...."not a 'stem' topic".... wtf... My posts had NOTHING to do with either of those and they still downvoted me after @enforcer48 claimed it had to do about "stem". Horse-shit!
Bro seriously I even tagged you the post where I got downvoted by @bloom... also
theres this:
@TheMarkyMark also downvoted this post which had NOTHING to do with what was going on between us..
he got butthurt and started downvoting me, you have to accept the facts.
THIS is the post that started everything....
Then I sent another question on the actual stem posts about why they downvoted me after my initial post...
I get it dude, you want to try and spin this against me when I'm justly upset... sorry but I'm not going to filter my voice just to make you guys feel safe. Understand the frustration, I'm being targeted because I spoke out, PERIOD!
I get it dude, you want to try and spin this against me when I'm justly upse
Not spinning anything against you there is nothing surprising here in terms of why you are getting your downvotes. Why shouldn't you be downvoted? You are going ape shit on this platform lol ? You are ONLY being targeted because you are acting crazy.
Honestly, do you recall this response to a clear answer by @enforcer48 diplomatic ? Get real.
Just stop being a douche and realize why you are getting downvoted and either apologize or suck it up and keep going w/ post or powerdown . No other options brah.
LMAOOOO im being a douche for confronting all the people who downvoted? LMAOOO
I'm not a douchebag for protecting my account and others from whales and dolphins downvoting people...
Also Correction... THIS is the post that started it all.
Why are you confronting anyone ? they explained what happened and you didn't like it why is that their problem? It clearly states why you are being downvoted and what happened.
End of story.
You can now go and cuss people out and do your thing but we ALL know how it begin and why. There isn't much more to discuss. Yes, that post landed in the StemGeeks tribe we already went through this. It didn't belong there according to the community. Not my rules but that is the way it goes. Have fun confronting people when we clearly can see why you are getting downvotes. That will end well lol....
THEY NEVER EXPLAINED ANYTHING! Are you kidding me, and their explanations were full of shit and complete lies... For instance... @enforcer48 claimed that they DV'd me because my post was "off topic" and not about 'Stem' but again.... my post had NOTHING TO DO ABOUT STEM and I didn't even tag Stem in that post. So that explanation was a complete LIE!
And then Mark didn't reply other than telling me to "STFU"..
@enforcer48 wanted to continue with the drama So i took the bait.. and @bloom didn't even reply at all and explain anything...
You're claiming that they explained then where are the links? Where is your evidence so far all the evidence is coming from my end and you're discrediting my claims or bruhsing my evidence to the side and then have the audacity to tell me they explained? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
"It clearly states why you are being downvoted and what happened."
It clearly states that they downvoted me because they lied.
because my post was "off topic" and not about 'Stem' but again.... my post had NOTHING TO DO ABOUT STEM and I didn't even tag Stem in that post. So that explanation was a complete LIE!
Bro, he told you it was off-topic you didn't need to include the 'stem' tag - its technology related ( not the technology that you did - its different ) and to them not relevant to their tribe. (Side Note: You proceeded to tell them to fuck off while inquiring about what happened which doesn't help ) I don't know what the paid tags are for STEM , I think "technology" is the other tag - meaning you don't need to do a STEM tag do be included in the tribe , as a set of tags could find its way into the tribe. As you stated the post had nothing to do with S.T.E.M the purpose of the tribe. So you admit that its in the wrong place. Its fine man we all make mistakes but no need to get ape shit about it right?
He told you stfu because you were are going crazy ape shit all over the platform and his ginabot is going nuts! I don't blame him. Its fine you didn't understand how tribes work and nothing wrong with that. Just apologize and you'll stop being DV. Nothing big man.
You're taking their side, I said it from the very beginning. I have the evidence, you and your friends brought nothing.
Please use birth control. The world is already overrun by people like you.
Make the world a better place by getting a Vasectomy.
Technology is the stem tag i believe. I think that is where the confusion is coming from @themarkymark please leave him alone! He had no idea you claimed all technology!!!I would just not use technology tag then if they are being like that. You can just keep flagging me, or am i no fun anymore! yup! lol
You guys want to lie or make up excuses man. Its hilarious seeing you guys fumble trying to defend him and of course the pimp still isn't here. I'm still dealing with bitches who are defending them
Yet we still hear you crying in the dark wishing you could crawl back into the gape that bore you.