Time v Money, make sure you don't lose track of that :)
I think a couple of hours is generally plenty of time to spend on a Post - up to you of course.
Time v Money, make sure you don't lose track of that :)
I think a couple of hours is generally plenty of time to spend on a Post - up to you of course.
Time v Money, make sure you don't lose track of that :)
If I would think like that, I wouldn't have spent 5 or 6 hours replying to comments last night, lol.
I could probably get every post I make done in a couple of hours, but I often find it hard to keep focus. It happens quite a lot that while I'm writing, a comment comes in and I get completely distracted. Or I receive a mail about an interesting product I can promote, and waste half a day trying to get my new affiliate website up. Once I get back to the post I was writing, I'm out of the 'flow' and I have a hard time to pick up where I left.
I have dozens of unfinished posts like that, lol.
Story of my life, haha. I just came back upstairs from the garden, pretty unsatisfied, because I wanted to set up a trellis for one of the plants. But then I noticed the Jerusalem Artichokes looked really bad. Their soil appeared to be too acidic, so I had to fix that fist. While I was at it, I checked the soil of everything else too - and so I spent more than an hour doing a lot of things, but my trellis hasn't been built yet. This is going on for like an entire week.
Same for my posts. The tutorial I'm writing now was supposed to be an entry for a round of the @ifc contest - weeks ago. But somehow, something else always came up. I'm about half way, but I was so far behind replying, I need to take care of that first... there's always something, lol