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RE: An early Easter break

in #gaming6 years ago


I think you sent your BTS a few days later than me, and so could be catching up during the rains.

ED is a new version of Elite, very much the same, but it plays and looks a hell of a lot better!

I've not looked at nextcolony, but perhaps I should?

Was considering a trip to the UK for Easter, pissed I didn't now!


I didn't send that BTS much over. Soomat better than nothing though.

Have a look at nextcolony - launches Sunday 21.00 GMT.

Looks interesting.

@dachcolony helped me escaped bidding 3K on a planet. That wldve been nuts

Posted using Partiko Android - here?

The login button seems disabled :D

I see much smaller bids for stuff in the wallet - 3k STEEM, that would have been funny!

The login won't be available until Sunday.

There are a couple of accounts bidding who have 5K liquid steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

Looks interesting thus far, I shall keep an eye out.