A few pints of Guinness and the importance of friendship

in BEER2 months ago

Out for a few pints

Life can be busy. It can be hectic. You can have so much on that you don't know if you're coming or going. This is especially true when you're a parent to young children are not just Mum or Dad. You're chef. You're taxi driver. You're life coach. You have lots of roles and that's before you mention the day job and keeping the money rolling in.

Is it any wonder that people struggle to make time for friends? Well, I say struggle. I say keep making time for them. The day will come when the kids grow up and move out, and not always nearby. It could be the other end of town, the other in of the country or even a far away continent. Life goes on, and we must reember to water our friendships over the years. That means phone calls. That means meals. The means face to face time. That means making time for them.

With that in mind I do my best to meet friends regularly and I did that last Saturday when I met up with some old friends who were over from England. We had a scatter of pints as you can see and the craic was mighty.


A friend who lives nearby got onto on Thursday to meet him for a few pints and to be completely honest it didn't suit me, but I moved a few things around and made it work and we met for three sneaky cheeky mid weekys and it was brilliant to catch up with him and shoot the breeze.


The Power of Friendship

Don't just take my word for it though. It's been clinically proved in many studies that maintaining friendships can and does extend ones life.

In fact I just read that "a clinical review of nearly 150 studies — involving over 300,000 people followed for an average of more than seven years — found that people with strong social ties had a 50 percent better chance of survival, regardless of age, sex, health status, and cause of death, than those with weaker ties. In more direct terms, the health risk of having few friends is similar to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and more dangerous to your lifespan than being obese or not exercising."


Just wow!!

That's even more alarming than I anticipated. So grab your phone or your shoes and ring a friend or call by to their house! It's good for you! They'll put on the kettle and ye will have a good old fashioned chat.

So remember to water those friendships and remember that on line connections don't count. We're talking about phone callsnor ideally face to face interactions here. Make the time folks. Ye won't regret it.

Until next time Beer Saturdayorians...

Oh by the way...

How was your Beer Saturday?

Where were you?

What was the drink of choice?

Who was with you?

Are those your feet?

How's your auld one?

Any other craic?

Join Us

Thanks to @detlev for this ongoing and excellent contest for beer lovers around the world. Why not join yourself? Just tell a story about beer with a few photos or drink a beer and tell us about it.


Sláinte wherever you find yourself, take it handy, and if ya get it, take it twice!


*The photos used throughout this post are all my own taken on my Samsung smart phone*

Sláinte and Peace out.

Ablaze (3).jpg


Good meetings with friends are wonderful...

Good meetings with friends with good beer is sublime ♥️✨

All very true man! 🍻