Out for a spin
Santa was very good to my eldest son this year and got him an eighteen gear bicycle that he absolutely loves. It was a great upgrade from his BMX and he absolutely loves getting out for a spin on the bike. We live out in tge countryside too, so there's loads of little backroads and byroads to discover and adventure along.
Something you'll notice when you have children, is that they really crave your attention and love. They can even act out and misbehave in search of this attention. When you are aware of these things, you can react accordingly, so wherever possible I try and spend some one on one time with each of my three sons. A spin out on the bikes is a great way to do this with my eldest son. The added bonus is that he absolutely loves getting out and about on his bike.
Down to the lake
Off down one of the little sideroads close to our house is this beautiful lake, so we stopped of here and skimmed some stones, my son got 4 in a row. I managed eight and we both had fun chatting and looking for suitable flat stones for skimming.
Art or Litter?
Is this art or litter?
For me it's both. I like to find beauty in the banal, so took some photos of it. Afterwards though I found a bin for it, as I detest litter.
That's it folks. Remember if you've more than one child, treat each to some one and one time with each parent when you can, as children cherish this uninterrupted attention and it is good for their development and to nurture your bond together.
These photos are all my own taken on my Samsung Smartphone.
Thanks as always for stopping by everyone
Peace Out