Firewood and Views in Conamara

in Photography Loverslast month

Beautiful Conamara

This was the view today out in beautiful and wild Conamara. The storm wreaked havoc on lots of trees out around the farm. Every cloud has a silver lining though and we'll have enough firewood to keep us warm for the next ten years.




We piled the chopped wood into little mounds to allow the wind to blow through and to dry it. It takes around 18 months gor the wood to dry out sufficiently. After that we move it into the shed for another bit of drying and then its ready for the fire.




There's great burning in it and we mix it in with turf for the perfect fire.



Thanks as always for stopping by everyone

Peace Out



Exquisite journey that you take us on with magnificent images achieved through these wonderful effects.
Thank you!

Thanks for the kind words, we're blessed to live in Conamara

Wouldn't rain ruin it?

Nah, once Spring and Summer come they'll dry out nicely and then move into shed for last 6 to 9 months of drying

Wouldn't rain wet it back up?

Get the papers Get the papers... Johnny 2 times (Goodfellas)

See above 👆🏻

Interesting! I just have mine in a stack next to my garage.

Nice, great to have access to firewood eh...

That's a sweet bit of security right there! Good, honest work and now you'll be warm for a loooong time lol. It looks like art to me 😃

Art eh, ya I suppose there is an Artistic look to it alright 👍🏻

There really is...tilt your head a little to the left and look again lol

No kidding though, woodpiles are something my weird brain thinks are things of beauty. What those piles represent are amazing as well.

beautiful view


You're welcome