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RE: EOS Block One Announcement: Disappointed by Voice

in #eos6 years ago

Um I dont need to advocate for Voice, its not my project.

And no you did not buy a Voice account, again, please stop confusing people, voice and eos are not the same thing

if youre talking about EOS accounts maybe make that clear

and how do you know i am "frothing at the mouth" when you cant even see my face? This is a text conversation , do you get that? I think you feel abused from having all your comments flagged lol

I am not posting anti steem rants, im actually providing a reality check, because i actually care enough about steem to give it some tough love and make steemians realize that thinsg cant just go along business as usual withouyt suffering massive price collapse with all the peopelpowering down now and no reason to power up mroe steem...... no matter how "disapointed" peopel are in vocie, EOS is still a bette rproject thans teem, steemit inc is still not anywhere near the project Voice is even in ist current form, lol at leats Voice has a plan steemt inc doesnt....

steem is still great blockchain thanks to steem-engine but steemit inc has too much power over it and basicaly can choose the witnesses at wioll with their majority stake of steempower

Either peopel say nothing and NOTHING gets done

or people liek me risk getting attacked and being un popular to force the commnity to look at itself in teh mirror

i force steemians to question therir chain in the hopes that they pressure peopel above them to pressure whales to pressure @ned threateninga power down en mass if he doenst provide some changes and gives results

Ned must eitehr work or power down, we need new owners and i feel ned would rather step down than work, he doenst seem to be up for it

Aggroed seems to be capableof adding the sort of value to steem that we need, so where is ned with the public support of aggroed? WHy isnt ned creatying steem engien confrences?

Oh thats right bnecause ned has some bad experiences working with aggroed at steemit inc or something .... ned is just too human, he needs to be more liek a zuccerborg.......


The last thing I want heading Steemit is Zuckerborg. Sadly, that may be exactly the last thing.

I flag trash (and morons). You have received a flag.