The problem is simple. When you use the internet, on a daily basis, you go to:
- Facebook, to check your friends
- Instagram, to see some nice photos
- some hobby / interests (cars, cameras, tanks, girls, whatever)
The key question is - why ever entering Steemit? Unless you are one of the authors.
It would be 100 times more successful if it would be something specialized, but good.
It would be also useful from the marketing POV.
The message from Steemit, Advertisement sections is:
We have 140.000 users, from 156 countries, with completely different interest!!!
From any reasonable perspective, this is a nightmare.
What / How to sell anything to those people?
Funnelling will be terrible (to nothing). This is why they can't sell banners.
For regular users:
- it's too complicating to join
For marketing whatever: - who are these people?!
For investors: - this line is going down...
Very, very tricky situation...