Effective season play for beginners
Next to our regular blog posts at my son's account @anjadani, for him to fund his own collection, I like to share some of my own Steem Monsters insights here on a non-regular basis.
This is for beginners by beginners. So if you find it usefull, I am probably only one step beyond. And since the joy is high at the beginning, at heart I actually hope I will be a beginner until the rest of my days. So please join me and tell me about your experiences at play.
Season insights
Every season runs 16 days. At least this is what I suppose from starting into my first season with about three days left with having my first reward relatively quick - and then starting into my second season with +15 days left.
Back in my first season I was not sure how to interpret that "Cards will be awarded at the end of the season based on the highest leage achieved." Is it that I needed to stay in the highest leage achieved until the end of the season - and therefore better stop playing? No. And that is what I learned by playing through the season. I even atempted to get a lower reward by way of experiment and deliberately went down in ranking (see graphic).

As you see I had have my 7 cards bonus from touching Bronze II (400 to 699 rating) and now I was back in Bronze III with a rating of 390.
The most cards with the fewest play
Whenever a season ends, everybody is going to be reset to a lower league. So in this case my reward had been for Bronze II and therefore, even though I had have been back in Bronze III already, my league rating reset has been 200 - with no reward then so far.
It needed only one single battle to catch the next season bonus for Bronze III with 5 cards.
So the least you may do to top up your collection and play with the cards your opponents may already have is have some easy battles at least one time every season. Everything more is for the ambitious.
Please come back for more.
Some past blog post I translated into German