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RE: 어둑해진 청계천

in #again20176 years ago

Seeing this comment reminds me. I need to get you a script going from our last convo. Send me a list of accounts and I'll get you something that should work with Beem on Ubuntu.

Posted using Partiko Android


Beem... Ubantu???? See I am totally lost. LOL I’m sure I can figure it out, I will get a hold of you on discord and go from there. I’m just super busy so Time is a bit of a crunch. I will send you the accounts here in a few.

Posted using Partiko iOS

anthony starting spreading slander in my blog so i am flagging anyone i see linked to him!

This is why he says stuff like that, he is a bidbot abuser and he gets paid by @themarkynark! he is flagged forever now as long as I am, or until he realizes and retracts his comment from my blog, and never bugs me again!
