Hey simplymike. Good to hear from you! I'm sorry to hear that you've been going through a lot. I can sort of relate though I'm not sure exactly what you're dealing with but things have been pretty overwhelming for me too.
Please don't feel guilty. You tried! :) And that makes me happy that you tried. Also, if you had made some progress on those entries it's not too late to enter them. We're so far behind on our judging duties that you have plenty of time to get in late entries. We have another player who is busy with school and I let him know that he also has plenty of time to get some late entries in since we are so behind on our judging duties. So.. It's definitely not too late! You could still enter those rounds if you wanted to.
I hope things improve for you soon!
PS Here's the link for your entry last season, I found it with a Google search.