Daily hit-parade for newcomers - 2019.05.12

in #hit-parade6 years ago

Welcome to the hit-parade for newcomers!!

People feel happy when their post appears in the global daily chart. Moreover, they can get a nice award on SteemitBoard when they occupy the top position.

I guess you also noticed that these enviable positions are often occupied by well known bloggers who have already earned a good reputation. It is becoming increasingly difficult to get noticed and appear at the top.

This can lead to significant frustration for newcomers who write quality posts but feel drowned in the Steem blockchain ocean.

This is where the Hit-Parade for Newcomers comes to help.

To get a ranking in this hit, you need of course to get a fair amount of votes, comments, or payment. But this hit-parade will be restricted to:
- users who NEVER appeared in ANY of my previous daily Global Hit.
- users who have a reputation lower than 50.

I think you now understand that only newcomers will be able to pop-up here. This way, we can put the spotlight on new authors and help them to raise their reputation.

Good luck to all!

Тоp 10 posts by number of upvotes

404 @edward-abuThese guys would arrest n give u a ticket for drinking and driving
391 @dstatsVoting Bot Payouts 11-05-2019
356 @k-rk-r's twitter Feed : 2019/05/12 18:19:51
342 @steembeemSteemBeem - Pick a Number From 1 to 9 and Win The Jackpot 🎗
338 @nullnullKirchentoilette am Schwarzen Meer / Church toilet at the Black Sea [DE/EN/RU]
327 @emilioriosVENTAJAS DE LA MEDICINA HOMEOPÁTICA. Una opinión médica personal.
326 @ginalotageginalotage's twitter Feed : 2019/05/12 19:22:06
302 @c-saric-sari's instagram Feed : 2019/05/12 11:58:37
300 @uppekauppeka's twitter Feed : 2019/05/12 16:04:32
295 @obrushenieobrushenie's twitter: 2019/05/12 11:10:12

Top 10 posts by number of comments

30 @lady-in-redMe myself and I
30 @theitheiFavorite Place To Camp
27 @steembeemSteemBeem - Pick a Number From 1 to 9 and Win The Jackpot 🎗
21 @maarnio1How Will Cosmos Trade?
13 @ban2banHey! Let me introduce myself
12 @marslenoMy introduction to steem #Introduce yourself
12 @doveyan
12 @vasilstefanovDo you use your fan as an improvised hair-dryer?
12 @striderpunkWho is Striderpunk and why is he here??
11 @paulswansenAre you a city dweller or live in a rural area?

Top 10 posts by pending payout

12.234 @ploppKrypto Gamers - Video Poker Demo
3.252 @alexbezimeniSpace Travel - Planet: 16 Constellation of Cygnus B b
2.119 @girlfoundationghThe Cries of A Mother.
1.904 @jaydihjaydihWow!! This is to try out WeedCash
1.874 @topmemesdaily top 10 memes
1.853 @lady-in-redMe myself and I
1.822 @traveladventuresVote calculator
1.749 @afitsoulMy Actifit Report Card: May 12 2019
1.646 @superwolfCheck my latest fight ! ngc vs superwolf
1.599 @helen17Ensalada de Mango

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