Sweet Goddess - that's aMAZing!! Escher move over!! Taking the doodle not just to an art form, but beyond it to a HUGE visual meditation. I'm really curious if, in the process, you start to feel the artwork forming and you doodle according to some loose mental idea, or if you literally go in to each doodle session with an empty, clear mind and let your unconscious guide you. I'm especially loving the monochromatic tone and the way the shapes and movement and variations in the lines-dots-shading create the colour. Seriously impressed.
Many many thanks @artemislives! My doodles have indeed transitioned into a more stylish art form which I'm exlpoiting to the very end.
When I start my pieces, I always have zero idea of what it will become. I do have a certain pattern selection, a bunch of created flows that I often use in my doodles. So I will make a connection and start visualising that, to have a point where I can start working with. Once I've done that, I'll either expand within the same concept, like I did here, or I'll add various different elements to it.
In previous smaller doodles I experimented a while with the triangle shapes and these strings. So this piece is a somewhat planned result of a few ''subconscious'' pieces. Long story short, this was an idea that indeed formed during the process while starting off without a plan.
Thanks again!