Some welcome changes to the site's look have been made this time around. I wanted to make the site more appealing. The table list formats are compact and efficient, but they don't provide a rich viewing and user experience (UX). That's why images for kurated posts have been added to enhance the viewing pleasure through a grid view of the content.
After adding images for kurated posts to a grid view, that became the default view. But having the option to look at data in a more compact way to better see more data at once, was something that should also be provided for the UX. The View can be toggled between the default grid mode and a list mode, allowing the user to customize their experience on the site.
Each of the KURE pages also have multiple sections. The Home page has Recent Kurations and Community Activity, the Communities page has Newly Created and Recently Active, and the individual community pages have Posts and Members. Eventually there is going to be a need to look through a lot of data, and pagination is one way to go about it. But I preferred to stick with infinite scroll which was already added to the Steem content viewing. So I added tabs change the content selection on each page. That I can add infinite scroll (yet to be done).
Any feedback or criticism is welcome and appreciated. I am looking to improve the app and your experience using it.
What do you want to see next?