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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆

in #engagement6 years ago

Congrats to everyone, looks like not many have HF21 jitters yet, and that is good. I had a slow start to the week, not as many comments, but I did boost the number of out going votes, I hope to try and keep those up, even though it spreads my vote to a very small value.

The weeklies looked good this week. Almost all of them up over last week so that is great. I am going to try during the first HF week to bring my comments back up, I kind of slacked off this week. I also need to do more posting, I seem to be stuck at 3 or 4 a week.

A first for me. 80 weeks on the charts any where from number 3 to 98, I have surrounded the middle of the road with 49 and 51 on a couple of occasions, and this week, Right Smack Dab in the middle. Number 50 a first for me. If Asher keeps this going long enough I may be able to get every spot, maybe in two years or so. A worthy goal for me to strive for. I think spot number 1 and 2 will be the most difficult, but one day I may get there. 99 and 100 will be very difficult also, I do not want to run myself off the board,


1 and 2 could end up being the last two places you need, those will be interesting weeks :)