Alright, with that deploy when you're doing the database restore, that does hammer mysql
pretty hard so that's probably the main issue here.
Again, check the docker logs to see if anything obvious pops out there. Beyond that, watch mysql
to see what it's doing by running this command:
mysqladmin -h -u root -p processlist
While the restore is running, you should see 'INSERT INTO...' in the process list for many hours.
If mysql
dies, you shouldn't need to start all the way over. Assuming that you still have all the .gz files in the dump/ folder you can run this:
mysql_ip=`docker inspect --format "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" steem_mysql`
for i in /mnt/$volume_name/dump/*.gz ; do gunzip < $i | mysql -h $mysql_ip -p$mysql_password steem ; done
Obviously, update the password and volume. This is just part of the script that calls the import.