Decentralize the whole operations? It feels as though it was a choice somewhere during the creating to have the coin checkout through exchange only and give no other options. Everything about it is fishy that it is an open source project that everyone is on board with all transactions being funneled through one source that I know I had not even heard of before the Brave Browser. My opinion comes from being a verified publisher within the browser ( ) who loves the project but find it damn near impossible to fully even recommend others to use it in it's current form. It is absolutely nuts to me anyone into cryptocurrencies, not just a mere 'digital currencies', but he good true crypto kind that we control. Browser is really amazing otherwise, but this blockchain is only as strong as it's weakest link and this is a huge weak link.
All I can do is when I see the browser brought up in places I'm reading and can leave a comment, is to at the very least just leave the comment and hope others research further on this issue. I do hope the founder is taking what is going on into consideration, as at the moment I know there is somebody profiting fairly nicely from being the only way you an use the Brave Browser (bye bye decentralization).