I can resonate with a lot in this article, which i have linked at the bottom. As I have only drank once since new year. I mostly resonate with number 20 and 8. When i met up with friends at the start of this month and instantly regreted drinking.
20.) They find that a return to drinking alcohol is often immediately gratifying with one or two drinks, but that shortly after consuming even a small amount of alcohol they feel crappy, lethargic, spaced out, dizzy and off.
8.) They begin to see themselves for who they really are, no longer using alcohol as a mask behind which to hide. This can be both enlightening and startling as they are forced to accept both the good and the bad aspects of the self. They must then choose how to confront the emotional realities of their life. Something that is all but impossible with regular consumption of alcohol.
Its not easy, I actually at the moment avoid most places with alcohol or take my car so i have an excuse not to drink. However there is a beverage that i can drink which helps me connect socially which is a plant based herbal drink and this will be my secret weapon for the coming festival season!