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RE: Wednesday Walk goes Wild!

in #wednesdaywalk6 years ago

Well, while I'm not excited about the rain and the extremely hot weather, I can say that the thought of another Pony swim pretty much excites me. I have no idea why I can watch this time and time again but it's always a little bit different, the horses swimming in the water across the channel is a magnificent sight and we got Henry there, so it makes it all kind of fun. I love wandering through the island and sneaking a peek at the ponies as they weed through the title grasses, living life. Anyway, think of me as I am having sketchy internet and Truce hot weather and I'll try not to take your name in vain. Just kidding. Maybe. Thank you as always for coming by and leaving such wonderful comments and I want to thank you for being the best partner in crime!



YEah the rain and heat is not ideal of course but the island sounds so beautiful it will still be such fun I am sure, seeing the horse swimming is something that really appeals to me it must be such. Cool thing to experience

NO worries about taking my name in vain it happens to me a lot lOL