Oh, I have to admit, you picked my absolute most favorite one! Well except maybe for this dragon with a 20 ft tail. He was spectacular and unless you knew where to look for him you wouldn't have seen him. I am so in love with this festival and it brings out thousands of people, quite literally. When you are shoulder to shoulder with another person, it's hard not to tangle the strings, but there was a consensual calmness among everybody and even the people that crossed wires a bunch of times usually a whole village of people help them get untangled and carried on. It's so nice to see people behaving in such a nice manner. I know that sounds silly but tempers can flare over such silly little things.
I am really excited to see your Kite Festival in yes people come from all around the world. I think that's partly because it is the nation's capital and partly because people just love Kites and they actually are very serious about their battles between the teams. It was a fun day. It was a perfect day for a perfect day. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop in, make a lovely comment and leave such a generous up vote. Much appreciated and I hope you have a most amazing weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!!💖