I’m not usually the party pooper around here, and maybe I am just a skeptic from being a bit burned out writing here. That said…
…I don’t really think the creativecoin tribe is going to help all creatives, specifically writers, that much. You think creativecoin, you think music and art. We need our own niche, or even better, a nonfiction niche. Maybe there is something out there I don’t know about?
I have been bumbling along here for almost a year and a half. I get a curie about every three weeks. I also get hit by whatever those curation things are that bump my post fairly often. I don’t mean to sound unappreciative and those factors have helped me hang on, but it doesn’t mean that more than a handful of people actually read my post, and to a writer that is the most important thing. My time spent networking has improved my feed, but not my blog much.
I got a little frustrated, so I created a site where I do my thing writing about life, but focusing on a local level. Facebook has several groups that are all about my hometown. One with 48,000 members. If I drop a link there to my site, I get a minimum of 100 views. If they bothered to actually click the link, I assume a large percentage at least skimmed the post. That feels like not bumbling along. Facebook has an effective niche. For someone more interested in the eyes than the coins, that is pretty appealing.
Those folks that disappeared hopefully didn’t quit what they do, hopefully they just found a greener pasture.
So go ahead then, tell me I am wrong. There are some people here that I really like, so I’m not going to disappear. But unless these tribes can compete with numbers I get elsewhere, I don’t have a strong motivation to write here. There must be a lot in the same boat here, but maybe we are the fluff that needs to leave. I suppose time will tell.
Didn’t mean to make this all about me, but here is the perspective of your standard visibility complainer/skeptic.