The Remodeled Chicken Coop

in Homesteading3 years ago

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This chicken coop remodel was something that had to be done! If you watched my first chicken coop vlog it showed what a mess it was. Since this video I have added some bedding for the chicks and a tiered roost for them.

You can watch the first vlog about the chicken coop here on 3speak

My chickens are almost here! I’m getting 9 hens and 1 rooster for my beginning flock. Plus another 4 that recently became available that should be here around the same time. I have been counting down the days and preparing for the arrival of my baby chicks!

The only downside of getting chickens was having to clean this mess of a chicken coop lol. If you watched my chicken coop tour a few months ago you saw what a mess it really was and all the work that needed to be done to it. I’m still grateful this coop came with the house as I most likely would have gotten a much smaller coop or a portable one.

What kind of chickens are there?

There are many breeds of chickens but there are three main purposes: egg-laying, meat bird, and dual-purpose. A dual-purpose bird is one that is both an egg-layer and used for meat however they don’t do either efficiently. For my first flock, I decided to get a egg-laying breed.

What is a chicken roost?

A roost is where the chickens go to rest. They enjoy perching high above the ground, instinctively, to keep away from predators. I would suggest keeping a sheet pan of sorts under the chicken roost to catch the droppings overnight. This will allow for easy clean up, instead of mixing into the chicken bedding.

What is the best material for a chicken roost?

Wood is the best material for a chicken roost. You can use 2x4, 2x3, or 2x2s to construct your roost. Sand the edges to make sure it is smooth to grab and free of splinters. Consider rounding the edges, so it is easier for the chickens to grab. Don’t use metal because it can become too cold for your chickens and don’t use plastic as it is too slippery for them to get a comfortable grip.

I’m excited for the chickens to get here and do I ever have a story for you in a future vlog! I’m a little behind on these at the moment so I’ll be releasing them on a more steady basis. Last month really caught up with me with all the work I had to do on the homestead.

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I'm glad you got it ready :) Will they be running free on the farm? I

How did you add so many tags??? I only get 10 😂

They have a chicken run, I have some video of them coming out of the coop the other day which will be a upcoming vlog. I think 3speak lets you add more but it's a little harder to work with their blog editor so I try to make do.

Oh, then the extra tags are more of a glitch on the frontend?

Your chickens must be really happy :)

How exciting!

Besides another dimension to your homestead, you will have a bunch of fuzzy little peepers! Will your puppy give them a hard time like mine would?

Yes! I plan on getting more animals and growing the homestead which I'm really excited about. I introduced her to the little chickens the other day and she was ok with them lol. The other day one got out and she went after it but she listened to my commands so I'm hoping she will understand and be ok with with now.