The problem is not with the system . The problem is the human being .
steemit user reap what they sow .
The idea behind steemit is to let the consumer pay the content creator directly .
The situation won't be so worse if everyone just go and bloody vote. Instead they all think it is smarter to sell vote.
When content creator start leaving , everyone start crying foul . what you expect ?
It is like asking a chef to come to a restaurant to cook for you without paying .
Even i stop doing Dtube because nobody want to vote my post. I have cost to cover.
Now it is like customer at restaurant asking for free meal and do you think those chef want to work at this kind of restaurant that pay them peanut and expect them to cook a great meal?
While it is true some are self voting , the rest could have make some changes by just voting the content creator to keep them alive.