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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆

in #engagement6 years ago

Thank you so much, my friend, I knew, why I didn't comment so much this week - to be number 16 😁
Seriously, I haven't thought about rankings, I'm still in the top 20, and I don't regret to be in this League, because I do think, that it's a good thing for our community here 😀

Posted using Partiko Android


Yes commenting and engaging is what makes this place special, and we all learn and enjoy our time on here like our frequent long comment trails discussing this and that

So very true, I only hate these copy/paste comments, but I reply to them the same way ... this is why most of my comments don't count, otherwise I would be number 1 😎
I like our long comment trails too, although I often cannot remember the beginnings 😆

Posted using Partiko Android

I have heard the current number 1 is hard to beat :) I generally ignore the copy and past comments but I am lucky I do not get too many of them, ohh yes our comment trails can often wander off on a tangent but that makes them fun

Yes, I have heard that too, and it will be much harder in a few days, when he does not need to go to work everyday anymore.
Then he will have 24 hours a day to post and comment ... but I have the hope, that he will find a new home near his grandkids soon, and that they will need him so often and so much to play, or for a walk or whatever, that we other Engagers have a tiny little chance to beat him :))) lol

I do not get that much of these comments either, but when I reply the same way they comment, I get sometimes nicer comments on my next posts :)

Rumour has it's a few months and not days, but also then he won't be spending so much time commuting on a train which is when he is most active weekend are his quieter days and in a few months it will be one long weekend :)

Days or months, who cares? I have years :((

You have no idea how stressful it is in the pension. Our pensioners never have time for anything. If you want to invite a pensioner to a party or a meal, then you have to do that long before, because the pensioner has a tight schedule. At least that's the case with our pensioners.

But forget the above - I also think of the pension as a very long weekend, and I do not mean to put any stress on it 😊

No stress at all and yes the pension in many countries does make things very tight fir people luckily with my having been with this company for coming up on 30 years I will get an ok pension and should be fine

Good morning and have a great day

Good morning JJ,

I meant it that way, that they have so much to do: doctors appointments, short trips here and there, shopping, and I don't know, what else they have got to do. Most of the pensioners I know, are always busy. They cannot sit down and enjoy their free life.

I wish you a great day too. The sun is shining here, and for the next days the weather forecast has predicted a heatwave up to 35 degrees C.