You can downvote my blog all you want, you have and I have not complained once.
You then went and downvoted this and other posts on the c-cubed account though ( I can only assume in response to the downvotes I allocated to a few of your posts the other day. That is a curation project, not my blog.
I feel your photos are over rewarded, so sometimes I donwnvote them to reallocate the funds elsewhere. I do it not only to you, I’m pretty consistent in how I use them.
There is no “you guys”, it’s just me scrolling through trending and downvoting what I think was voted a bit too high.
Up and downvotes are literally designed to allocated each individuals share of stake to what they find to add value. I get downvoted often due to my posts getting too high, and I welcome it. Then there are people like you and haejin that get small downvotes and feel the need to just blindly give large ones in return as retaliation, rather than using them as intended.
Do as you wish, but I will make it known what you are doing if you continue to feel the need to retaliate on an innocent project instead of on myself.