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RE: Hardfork 21 - Steem Proposal System (SPS) + Economic Improvement Proposal (EIP)

in #hf216 years ago

Way to stir up the wasp nest!

I'm not quite sure what to say. I've been here steady for just over a year and am almost to a BIG whoppin 260SP LOL! Minnow status might be reached by 2030 at this rate.. Something might need to be done asap!! Orange Alert Orange Alert Orange Alert.... help a sister out, Anybody?

Yeah I concur @timcliff. If you are not active in discord or engaging in every weekly challenge it's a pretty quiet atmosphere. I enjoy the small groups that have applicable information and interacting in discord, just wish it crossed over to my blog page?

It appears as if I have mostly bid bots liking my posts? If I put more quality and info or time into my posts the interaction and response is the same as if it is just a picture post. Perhaps it's because no one is interested in posts themed around LOVE or Gardening...;( nB3zg5S.jpg

I've learned a ton on this forum, and hope to continue to in many aspects; writing, coding, editing photos and most of all inspiration to 1,000's of viable humans seeking and acting for a better world.

Thanks for sharing your opinion and info on this topic....