Yes. YOU.
You're still here! Right?!?!?
Nope. :) I was actually just bored, so decided to quickly check the trending page and your post caught my eye. I check art content to get inspired and I haven't been getting that from blogs anymore. I experienced a family tragedy and I realized how precious time is and that I don't want to waste it blogging. I actually made a post for what happened but don't feel like sharing it and I doubt I will ever feel comfortable enough. My point is, I realized I have bigger goals and that I want to work on bigger projects and writing about every step is simply a distraction to make me feel like I'm accomplishing something. It has been 2 years since I joined here and a year since Whaleshares, there hasn't been any significant progress that affects me. Blogging is just a hobby and like with every hobby, you have limited time and sometimes you simply get bored and move on to a new hobby or even old one :)
Don't get me wrong tho, I don't regret blogging at all, it has helped me in some ways like socializing, motivation to try new art mediums, and I tend to make my best art when I feel challenged like by contests. So I got my value's worth for time even if it isn't in terms of money. However, by now I feel like I've reached the end level for what I can do with blogging, just like in a game. I've considered making smaller and shorter posts just for the sake of staying active, like a lot of others have, but that's just not fun. In the long run I'd probably earn more if I invested that time elsewhere. As for friends, I'm pretty terrible with staying in touch but I believe that there are 2 or 3 people who I can message on discord and have a nice conversation with anytime, even a year from now. That's good enough for me, but I understand how some people are not so antisocial like me.
Quick summary: You have to be the top blogger to make a living and most crypto is essentially gambling. Steemit is just a hobby and it stopped being fun because a lot of us get stuck on a certain "level" regardless of the quality of posts. I do wish best of luck to those actually putting the effort into their posts, I hope Steemit improves their browsing quality so that we can more easily find the posts that we personally find interesting. I don't feel like anymore scrolling more than couple of minutes to find a good post.