Drugs dealers are outrageously rich due to the fact the drugs that are been sold are contraband and are termed illegal in most countries. now, let say in a country where drugs are allowed and are legal , drugs are been sold for let say $20 but in a country where drugs are been banned and are illegal , that same drug of the same quantity might be sold for $100 dollars due to the fact that it is scares in that region or country.
drugs are more expensive in countries that does not allows drugs, that makes the drug dealers earn more and they earn quite a fortune. doing drugs are usually addictive and engaging in a drug business is a lucrative business but most countries banned the use of drugs due to its side effects so i am advising each and everyone to stay away from doing drugs.
Drugs production are usually cheap and it requires little time to be ready . a drug production might cost $10,000 but the return gotten on it might be $500,000 and in very little period of time like 1 month or less.
just like the principles of economics states, that a commodity that is scares tend to be sold for higher price or cost more. due to the banishment of use of drugs in most countries, drugs are scares and are been sold for higher prices than normal.
to top it all up.. lets stay away from drugs. drugs are addictive and ruins lives and potentials