Sure, n^2/(n+1) seems sensible although im indifferent towards it. I see it doing very little to fix anything.
Killing vote farms? Sure, it could do that. What it wont do is fix that kind of characteristic behavior.
What i cannot stomach is 50/50 which is the big change being talked here. I find that 50/50 will make things many times worse and that there is this delusion present that basically states: "If you increase curation, people will curate more.".
I find that to not be the case at all for many reasons i dont care to repeat again... but heres just one..
Say im a whale....If i really wanted to maximize my profit i can do so under any curve, under any curation split simply by adjusting my content to the minimum work required to avoid downvotes.
Anyways.. I always say i could be wrong, i dont believe i am, but at this point i just hope they will wait with this until i power down my stake.
If this makes things better ill just click the powerup button again, if it doesnt i can run fast.
What i dont understand is that, when faced with such a drastic change more people arent powering down to stay safe. Are you really of such great conviction that such a change on a platform with so many moving parts will turn out positive?
Even if i was in support of this i wouldnt be so sure. :)