I responded to a comment saying ''not great, not terrible'' and you flagged me for no reason. Which means that you are just a troll, and therefore no one cares what you have to say.
For no reason? How do you know there was "no reason". I absolutely had a reason. And no I am not trolling. If you go through this same post you will find about 20-30 people who I upvoted. Some of which I agree with. Not agreeing does not make someone a "troll" it just means the person does not agree. A mature person should be able to handle a range of opinions, including other opinions that are not the same as our own.
You said not terrible. I am going to let you in on something.. and it will make your eyes widen, and your heart speed up.. because you are in some kind of hypnotic state of brain washing... this 100% ABSOLUTELY IS TERRIBLE. And that is my opinion. When my eyes read your echo chamber of shit comment, my reaction was to express I was against it via my downvote.
You are an intolerant whiny little bitch.
Exactly my point. You are immature and incapable of handing any view points other than your own. Even when they are coming from a place of sincerity and honesty. I told you the truth. I disagree with your opinion on it being 'not terrible'. But you can not handle differing opinions like a 2 year old that wants a red balloon, and not a yellow one. So you stamp your tiny feet until Mother does as you demand.
Grow the fuck up.
I don't have to shut the fuck up. You think you are king and people have to listen to you. Everyone has a voice. Even you with your echo chamber bullshit. And I don't want you to shut up. Please keep talking, the more you do it.. the more everyone can see what an immature child you are. Which makes you look even more stupid than you already sound.
Blah blah, shut up. Who gives a fuck what anyone thinks of me? Lol.
Poor baby needs a pacifier. Would you care for a coloring book too? Here have some crayons and rock yourself. Soon the pain will pass of being downvoted not even .000000000001 steem. There, there little Neroo.. all better now. Would you like me to burp you too?